How often should I weigh myself?

Weighing yourself can be as scary as getting your std results…

Is weighing yourself necessary to maintain good health?

When’s the last time you weighed yourself? A week, one month, six months ago? Your last Dr’s visit???

Weighing yourself can be as scary as getting your std results lol, But the truth can’t hurt you. Actually in this scenario, it can really help you.

You may not be ready to face the scale, but I need you to face this.

Your weight is a direct correlation to your health.

Luckily it doesn’t require a Dr, or a prescription. 

Weighing yourself :

  • Helps you manage your weight
  • It keeps you accountable

The scale is like your bank account

Do you wait a year to check how much money you have?? I didn’t think so.

Watch the scale like you watch your pockets. Otherwise you’ll wake up one day.. And ask yourself how did I get here..

And even if you are satisfied with your weight, you should know if your lifestyle is working or if you need to change things up…and change never hurt nobody.


  • Weigh yourself in the morning after your morning bathroom visit
  • The number on scale can vary by five pounds in any direction
  • The scale is a tool, not at enemy, don’t take the number personally -take it seriously.

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