Human meet another human..

Hi. My name is Triana. I am a human… I think.

Sometimes I question my true origins. 

I love feeling healthy- see the difference there? When I say ‘healthy’ most people think broccoli, asparagus, and kale but I don’t want you to think anything -how do you FEEL?

The human body is one big ole social media platform constantly sending you notifications. Think about it: the more notifications.. the more attention the body needs. The question is.. do you ignore the notifications or check them out?

Okay.. I’m rambling, this should have been a blog post- BUT IT’S NOT- IT’S MY LANDING PAGE MUAHAHA..

Think of me as your health resource firewall, I filter out the fluff to deliver honest health advice and content that makes you FEEL good. That’s what being health is about, feeling good- being happy with your choices, and connecting with your community through storytelling.

We’re more all more alike then we are different.

Let’s tell stories together- contact me.

Triana F

Wellness Producer