I don’t care what anyone says, eating a meal that you know is good for you, makes that meal so much better.

I love love love to eat. If you take the time to explore the endless possibilities of food can be very rewarding.

Nutrition is very personal to the individual, it establishes liberty and freedom. It’s our own personal choice to eat what we want to eat.

Let me.. challenge that idea.

With choice comes huge responsibility . And not in a bad way, but an absolute way.

You eat nutritious foods… and  it will show…

You eat not so nutritious foods… and it will show

Let me make something very clear to you. Fail to plan or plan to fail.

If you don’t know what you’re going to eat..


Not planning your meals will put you in a vulnerable place to eat anything. 

Planning your meals can be as simple as

Typically you end up:

  • Waiting until you’re starving to eat..
  • Eating anything you see
  • And eating unintentionally


Keep it simple

Every meal isn’t going to be a special one. Unless it’s prepped and planned to be that way.

Don’t wait until your hungry to eat

Do you have to eat every two hours.. no.. but if you eat every 2-3 hours you’ll never be hungry.

Eat the same foods often

Choose foods that are enjoyable, accessible, and can eat more than once in the week.

Say no when it’s not necessary

I love donuts.. love love – glazed are my favorite, but when I pass Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts I wave back in my rearview mirror. The more you say yes…the more yes choices you’ll make.

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